Thursday, January 26, 2012

How come Republicans always nominate the dumbest moron in their party?

State Senator (R) Kevin Coughlin was running for Ohio governor, but dropped out after realizing he was not gaining in the polls and did not have the financial resources to compete with Former U.S. Congressman (R) John Kasich.

Kevin Coughlin is a bright guy.

Just listen to him speak:鈥?/a>

He has a sense of progress and bipartisanship.

John Kasich is a moron. His entire platform is "less government and low taxes".................he has no platform that will create jobs in Ohio.

The tax issue alone isn't enough.

Especially at the state level; Federal %26amp; Fica make up most of your income tax. State income tax is pocket change.

Even given that Ohio has the 3rd highest state income tax in the's still nothing compared to the level you pay in federal taxes and fica.

Letting an unregulated "free market" do its own thing is a recipe for disaster...................every economist in the world knows that.How come Republicans always nominate the dumbest moron in their party?
Maybe they should nominate you then.
Romney/Jeb 2012!

They'll fix all of Obama's phuckups!How come Republicans always nominate the dumbest moron in their party?
That's not quite fair. I can think of at least two cases where the Republicans nominated the second dumbest person in their party. For example, McCain won the nomination, not Ron Paul.
Well, be fair to them, it's not like they have anyone among them who is NOT a moron, so their options are non-existent, really.How come Republicans always nominate the dumbest moron in their party?
After Al Gore and John Kerry you need to shut your piehole and just sit down.

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