Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why isn't Obama smart enough to compromise for the good of the economy like Clinton was?

Bill Clinton saved his Presidency and got re-elected by largely putting the economy in the hands of Newt Gingrich and John Kasich. Sure, they all played lucky in the 90's by the great wealth created by the internet explosion, but still they were very astute politicians who put America first.

Obama seems to lack all of those leadership qualities. All he wants to do is demonize the opposition with underhanded Chicago-style demagoguery to get re-elected.

I'm not a big John McCain fan as a politician (too much flip-flopping), but McCain said, "I'd rather lose an election than lose a war". All real leaders are willing to risk their political future to do what is best for their country. Winston Churchill did it TWICE!

Obama is not stupid. He knows full well that we need to cut entitlements, and we need to do it now. Not to make Granny eat catfood, but Granny might not get a new big-screen every year.

America has to tighten our belt to the tune of about a trillion a year until the economy picks up. No one wants that, but we HAVE to have that to survive!

Taxing the rich more will not even make a noticeable dent in the problem, yet that is all the disingenuous Obama talks about.

If Obama was a smart politician like Clinton, he would offer something like:

Raise taxes for the rich to the Clinton rates, and cut spending to the Clinton rates (adjusted for inflation- about 2.6 trillion).

That move would show some real leadership for the first time in his political career, and make him more than just a great campaigner who always voted "present".

Your thoughts?Why isn't Obama smart enough to compromise for the good of the economy like Clinton was?
Clinton, though I didn't like him... He was a true executive. He was governor, and had experience.

What we got here with this Obama is a community organizer and college teacher that got nominated at just about the 100 day mark in the Senate. There was a lot of behind the scenes stuff going on with him. He was the cloward-piven true blood the libbies wanted, to pull off their scheme.
Clinton had the youth stage of credit to all that covered up globalization that started in the 80s with Reagan lowering import tariffs back when Wal-Mart still had their made in the USA slogan.Why isn't Obama smart enough to compromise for the good of the economy like Clinton was?
Hmm, but there really aren't any cheap h00kers hanging around the White House anymore.
Clinton's compromise ( on deregulation ) is what got us where we are now!Why isn't Obama smart enough to compromise for the good of the economy like Clinton was?
He compromised on the Health Care reform act, and the tax cuts during the lame duck session.
There is no way Clinton would have sold out our seniors and given the wealthy another tax break.
Maybe the Tea party should tighten it's own belt by cutting government subsidies to Nascar??

Did you know in Feb 2011 With the New Tea party house, a democratic congressman put forward

a bill to end government hand outs to Nascar? And the Tea party majority blocked it?
Obama doesn't necessarily control Congress, which makes the laws. It's their job to compromise, not Obama's. Leadership plays a role but only so far can leadership carry into actual stuff being done.

I suppose having a split-Congress is a good thing; It's either compromise or bust.

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