Monday, January 30, 2012

What do military personal feel we should do in Iraq ? How is troop moral about being there,leaving,& staying ?

I wonder what our military feel about the war in iraq. If they feel duped getting sent in on bogus intell to begin with and then not having what they needed when they got there. I think it's fine for a society to voice different war political stances while important never forgetting about supporting our military regardless of war views as just doing as they are told their superiors in Washington.What do military personal feel we should do in Iraq ? How is troop moral about being there,leaving,%26amp; staying ?In my experience, most of them just do the job they were trained to do. About 10% of the soldiers I've spoken to want to pull out. The more recent extended tours are taking a toll on morale.What do military personal feel we should do in Iraq ? How is troop moral about being there,leaving,%26amp; staying ?
The people I know that have been there say we should be there. One had to have surgery and was irate he couldn't go with his unit....he's going to go later.What do military personal feel we should do in Iraq ? How is troop moral about being there,leaving,%26amp; staying ?My bro's...%20 say F-Iraq and the rest are for going back.What do military personal feel we should do in Iraq ? How is troop moral about being there,leaving,%26amp; staying ?
take a look at who is benefiting from this war and you will find the answer.What do military personal feel we should do in Iraq ? How is troop moral about being there,leaving,%26amp; staying ?Ive got six boys over there, and every time they are asked that they say no. They see everything first hand and know that they need to be there. I knew two others that were killed in Iraq, but you bet your *** they went out in style just as they had always wanted to. They were fully aware of the risks, and they wouldnt have had it any other way. They are soldiers and they are doing what they love.What do military personal feel we should do in Iraq ? How is troop moral about being there,leaving,%26amp; staying ?
I think you'll find that most military personnel--particularly those who have been to Iraq--are very much in support of the mission there. Having been there, having devoted an entire year or more of your life to the success of the mission there, and actually seeing what really goes on there (which is NOT what the media nor the politicians back home claim it to be), gives you a unique perspective on the importance of this mission, both for us, Iraqis, and the entire region. Also, although there are certainly quite a few dissident voices within the ranks of soldiers who've been to Iraq, most of those are younger soldiers with less life experience and a pre-existing opinion of the war and/or politics back home, BEFORE they went. Older, more seasoned, wiser, and higher-ranking types know better, and are also privy to more of the big picture of what's going on than the 20-year old PFC grumbling about Iraq because he's stuck on guard for 12 hours. I mean, really--if you know anything about the military, you'd know who's more likely to know what's going on there. Even that PFC, however, is more qualified to comment on the Iraq war than some know-nothing civilian back home who has neither been inconvenienced by this war nor has in any way had to lift a finger to contribute to his country's safety or his own. That crap REALLY irks us; people like that basically step all over us, all the work and stress we've had to endure, and the lives sacrificed on their behalf, just to gain some petty political "victory". Neither Congress nor the American public have any business nor authority to tell us how to run this war, much less hamstringing us and preventing us from fighting it efficiently while saying "we're not accomplishing". Their behavior makes about as much sense as deliberately shooting yourself in the foot then blaming the gun's manufacturer for it and suing him. Civilians back home are the next-biggest thorn in our side, right after the guys actually trying to kill us.

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