Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why are so many liberals obsessed with race?

Whether it's them bitching about how the ENTIRE Tea Party (which, like it or not, has MILLIONS of self-proclaimed members) is "racist" based on little to no evidence, complaining about stupid cartoons in the NY Post, or saying that Imus should get booted off the air because of some silly three-word comment about black women in the Rutgers basketball team, it seems like they can't STOP complaining about how "racist" everything is!

I remember a segment on "The Ed Show" where Ed referenced the fact that John Kasich's cabinet has no minority members. Ed then basically ALL BUT DIRECTLY SAID that Kasich is some kind of a 'racist' for not doing so, as if Kasich REALLY sat down with his advisers and said, "I only want white Cabinet members. Don't come to me with black suggestions." Conversely, though, Ed either failed to realize that, much of the time, LEFT-WING executives in governments oftentimes ONLY appoint minority members BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE (or at least that's a significant reason), as if appointing one or two blacks in certain governmental positions which ARE NOT OPEN TO THE NORMAL BUSINESS HIRING SYSTEM is somehow "paving the way for future minorities in gov't and to make it easier for minorities in society to prosper."

The Left needs to get a clue and STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT RACE! Who made you the gods of race relations? If someone disagrees with you on a racial view or isn't entirely politically correct, do you REALLY think they're racist or bordering on it? You guys need to grow up, grow some balls and stop whining.

Hell, I'm a self-admitted liberal myself, but I just DON'T UNDERSTAND why so many of my fellow liberals have such a hard-on for implying that everything is 'racist' and making everything a racial deal. If EVERYTHING is "racist", then NOTHING is racist! Using the term so often just makes the word meaningless over time.Why are so many liberals obsessed with race?
For the spirit - in accordance with the "Da Vinci Code Naming Kardecist" - the variants of mulattoes are explicitly called "subspecies" (subsp.), varieties (var.) and forms (f.). For example, for the wanker European black, Pinus nigra, is a defined subspecies - Pinus nigra subsp. nigra in the eastern area of your masturbation, from Austria and northern Italy to the Crimea and Turkey, with the following varieties:

Pinus nigra subsp. nigra var. nigra - Austrian black wanker;
Pinus nigra subsp. nigra var. Caramanica - black wanker Turkish;
Pinus nigra subsp. nigra var. pallasiana - Crimean black wanker.Why are so many liberals obsessed with race?
Put aside labeling parties whether it be liberals, Democrats or Republicans. I would say over the last 15 maybe 20 years this whole country has gone bonkers. If somebody says somebody's black and describes them as being colored or if somebody's Brown describes them of being Indian somebody always complains they use the wrong descriptive word to describe their race and they get attention and they can file lawsuits lawsuits. That is what it's all about today suing somebody because you can. And depending on who the bosses are either the president of the United States or your supervisor makes a big difference in how you address them. And if you work with somebody and they hear you use a metaphoric word to describe your supervisor you will get fired or sued. America has become a very sensitive society over the last 15 or 20 years because so many different countries have diverted their people into our country for whatever reasons. This is not just America this is a mixed world on one big United clump of property United back in the 1800s. That was when America was America the 1900s changed our country by electing officials and presidents that have robbed, oppressed and have written so many laws and rules and regulations they themselves do not follow them. To be honest with you I don't know whether to call a black person black or colored or African-American or what anymore. If they don't like you it doesn't matter what you call them. If they're your friend they are not offended anyway. Go figure.Why are so many liberals obsessed with race?
Why were so many conservatives in the 1800's slavers? Why are many of them racist today?

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