Monday, January 23, 2012

Why isn't Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland campaigning?

I've seen a lot of TV ads from his opponent John Kasich.

but I have yet to see one single tv ad from Ted Strickland.

how come?

I know he's running for reelection.

So why isn't he campaigning?Why isn't Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland campaigning?
Kasich has a lot of cash. He is being backed by some people with deep pockets.

Strickland did run those ads pointing out that Kasich worked for Lehman Brothers.

He needs money to keep trying to make people forget this by telling them how hard his dad had to work as a postman.

Now he just needs some ads to tell us how hard postmen work.Why isn't Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland campaigning?
Maybe he's letting that ridiculous 'gossiping office worker' commercial from the Republican Governors Association (Funded by FOX News) do his work for him.

What a miserable bunch of ill-informed slackers.Why isn't Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland campaigning?
I'm sure he is, TV and radio spots are not the only way to campaign.

Perhaps he is saving his money for later in the campaign.
He knows he's a loser and has done zip for Ohio.

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