Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mitt Romney might be an idiot.....but honestly, I wouldn't mind him being president. Do you feel the same way?

Democrats: Do you feel the same way?

Mitt Romney is kind of dumb..........but I wouldn't really mind if he were president.

you know who I would mind.....

Newt Gingrich.

he leaves a real bad taste in my mouth.

kind of like Chris Christie, governor of New Jersey.

he also leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

but Romney..........he's kind of like John Kasich, gubernatorial candidate in Ohio.

he's an idiot........but he's actually not that bad.

I can live with him.Mitt Romney might be an idiot.....but honestly, I wouldn't mind him being president. Do you feel the same way?
Romney is better than Gingrich or Palin, but I still want Obama to win a second term
Hell no Mitt Romney is kind of like Obama. He had his own health care that is very similar to Obama's.

What is wrong with Ron Paul? He is growing in popularity so it is possible that he could win the election in 2012.

Republicans have been much more vocal than Democrats in their support of low taxes and reduced spending. However, while lowering taxes, they dramatically increased federal spending, doubling the national debt during the last administration. They were unable to balance the budget a single year they were in charge under the previous administration. Getting only half of the equation right just isn鈥檛 good enough.Mitt Romney might be an idiot.....but honestly, I wouldn't mind him being president. Do you feel the same way?
i'm sorry to say there's no one currently politically active in the republican party that i could, in good conscience, vote for.

there are no Teddy Roosevelts, Dwight Eisenhowers, or even Barry Goldwaters among their ranks today.

the one thing all three of those men had in common was the 'progressive' belief that the government should be more powerful than (and thus able to reasonably regulate) private industry.

today's GOP (Romney, Christie, Newt, et al...) is a hodgepodge of people who think corporations should be preeminent over the government (and thus over the entire population as a whole) and fanatical right-wing christian fundamentalists who view the entire government as a proselytizing agency for their mega-churches. they are dedicated to the establishment of a totalitarian protestant theocracy that would make Afghanistan under Taliban rule look like Mister Roger's Neighborhood or possibly Sesame Street.

that's the reality, based upon the overwhelming preponderance of evidence; and it does not match their rhetoric.

Mitt Romney is a joke. I don't want a Mormon to be President. Anybody who believes that B.S. is an idiot and has too much in common with Glenn Beck for my taste. Obama is freaking awesome, enjoy him while you can. We'll be back to a boring white guy with questionable morals as soon as Obama's gone.Mitt Romney might be an idiot.....but honestly, I wouldn't mind him being president. Do you feel the same way?
Mitt Romney was a very shrewd businessman who ran Bain Capital and who took over a failing Salt Lake City Olympics and made it a success.

My only concern is that he seems to be a chameleon, with principles decided by prevailing public winds.
Mitt Romney was Governor of my state and he is NO IDIOT! How dare you A$$ume such a statement? This man is a whiz at fixing the economy!

BTW, he is anything BUT a cult leader!
Romney is excellent in economics.

Newt is the most astute politician in America

Christie is a natural born leader

Bobby Jindal combines all of their good points.
yeah at least he's american. and i think its time we get another white president. tired of all these wannabe black presidents like osama or whatever his name is
Mitts okay...

I really just want a social moderate, and a fiscal conservative....

Just like the majority of the country.
HA HA HA!!! Yeah, poor old Mitt. It's not like he's evil or anything really... just not too bright. But I'd rather have him than Newt anyday.
I am a democrat/independent and I could vote for him but he will never make it through the gop primarys ,he is to moderate for your base
Chris Christie Kicks ***

but I'd have preferred Guliani
We can tolerate Muslims but not Mormons - wow

Mitt would be better that what we have now and I like Newt - he can get things done and you know where he stands.
No, as a republican, he will turn the country over to the lobbyists...not that Obama hasnt, but he will do it boldly
At least he'd be better than the Kenyan community organizer we have ruining the country right now.
I don't want him as President, but I would like him to be given the highest office that would fix our economy. He is very smart in that area!
At least all the names you list,are American citizens!
Isn't he that singer guy?

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