You need to speak with you recruiter about have Mirena placed before Basic. You need to let them know at MEPS. Mirena can cause heavy bleeding for the first couple months, which may make Basic rather unpleasant for you. When you get to Basic, you will see a doctor who can prescribe you birth control. All you need to do is bring a copy of your current prescription with you to Basic. Personally, I love the Patch. Easy to use, no mess, no fuss, little to no side effects (unlike Mirena which has TONS of side effects!)What methods of birth control are offered to active duty military ?
You need to talk to your doctor before you leave for Basic. Ask him if it's safe to have the Mirena in place during all the heavy physical work you'll be doing. Personally, I'd have it taken out and go on the pill until you get settled somewhere. You will not need any distractions during basic.
As an active duty soldier, you will be able to get prescriptions for birth control from the military. Pharmacies on different posts may not all carry the same medications/formulary, but what's available to you is free. If you're wanting a specific type that is not available in the post pharmacy, you can get a written prescription for what you want and either use the mail in pharmacy or go off post to a local pharmacy and pay a co-pay.
Good luck, take care of yourself. Go forth and make us all proud.What methods of birth control are offered to active duty military ?The most common are the pill and depo shot, just because they're the most readily available.
Edit: Some of you are thick. Birth control is not always about just wanting to prevent pregnancy. It lessens and/or lightens periods which is very helpful during boot camp.
Having to take a training "time out" to deal with your tampon sucks to deal with.
I will tell that you do not need Birth Control during BCT. BCT is all one sex. You will be with all female. Unless you are going behind the building or sneaking out at night. You will have little contact with the opposite sex. I worked 20 years at MCRD{recruit depot}, San Diego,Calif. It was all males.What methods of birth control are offered to active duty military ?Chasity Belts for women
BCG's (Birth Control Goggles) for menWhat methods of birth control are offered to active duty military ?
Buy yourself a 12" ebony colored, battery operated, "TOY" !!!
You're not going to need a "Mirena" in BCT. Unless you intend to screw your way through BCT.What methods of birth control are offered to active duty military ?
Abstinence. When I was in the Navy we were offered condoms when leaving the ship in the Philippines for prevention of disease.
What do you call a woman in the military? A clearing barrel.
rhythm method! **** in cadence!
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