Sunday, February 12, 2012

How do you think the lives of military families will change during Obama's presidency?

Michelle Obama has said many times that the Obama Administration wants to be very supportive of military families. What did she mean exactly? Were these just empty words or can we expect some real changes?How do you think the lives of military families will change during Obama's presidency?As having recently lost a family member in Afghanistan, I can say with no doubt that our military has no place in that country. They are fighting the people. They are hated by everyone. You cant help a country that does not want to help itself. I think Obama realizes this and is unwilling to continue to put our troops in danger for a lost cause. I'm a military wife. I have not met one solider that can say we are making progress in Iraq. We can live with a pay cut... We cant continue to thow away lives!!!How do you think the lives of military families will change during Obama's presidency?
She is totally insistent on this and declares it the goal of her first ladyship.

I'm sure you'll see a lot of changes.

Increased spending on veterans care and expansion of services. Healthcare, housing, psychological support, widow support, family support... all that.

That alone is a big deal... and it's nice Michele really seems to care and to listen to these families.

But it's also nice to know that this is not the kind of president who sends our young men and women off to random sandpits without properly equipped humvees and body armor.

EDIT: And to you military people expecting the worse, can you really say you've been treated any better under the republicans these last 8 years?

And your wrong about the military spending... Obama (working with John McCain) wants to cut down on military wastes, and the majority of that is from contractor waste. So Blackwater may get it stuck to them, but not the guys and gals in our ACTUAL military. If anything, once they cut back on that waste, there's more to go around for you.How do you think the lives of military families will change during Obama's presidency?I am a military wife and this is how I see it:

A) He will cut the pay

B) He will cut the size of the military as Clinton did and put our country in danger again.

C) More soliders lives will be at risk due to even more cut on military spending which will force of soliders to not have the proper equipment needed to save lives, so many families will lose their mothers and fathers.
Empty words. There will be massive budget cuts to the military, Obama has already talked about this. Don't expect a raise next year in basic pay, allowances, or BAH.

The most you can expect is maybe better care at VA hospitals.

Edit: Yes BUSH and congress raised our basic pay by 3.9%. Obama was not present for the vote. BAH went up an average of 6.9% in most areas. Obama had nothing to do with this.How do you think the lives of military families will change during Obama's presidency?I have no faith in Obama or his wife, I don't believe any good "CHANGE" will happen to our military, he's going to cut them millions of dollars a month, I feel really great about sending my marine over again, not.

Semper FiHow do you think the lives of military families will change during Obama's presidency?
Im sure the obama administration will still support military families, besides wasnt something passed that raised the BAH by 6.9% and then basic salary by 3.9% later this year? that doesnt seem like a cut
i dont think they will.

the military takes care of the military.How do you think the lives of military families will change during Obama's presidency?
Obama wants to downsize the military......I think the military will see a lot of there extra benefits going away!!
most of the people I know in the military plan to leave as soon as their tour is up. The democrats know this thats why they plan on introducing legislation to bring back the draft
i think, if anything, things would get better or there will be positive changes for military families
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