Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What is a good website to buy military surplus firearms from?

...for cheap prices and good quality. Also, which military surplus firearms do you recommend most?

Thanks.What is a good website to buy military surplus firearms from?In addion to AIM Surplus and SOG- Southern Ohio Gun, I like Classic Arms.

This is a small outfit, but he's fair and honest and bends over backwards to make you happy with your purchase. You do pay a tad more with Classic, but know that he hand picks each rifle and describes the condition exactly, so you know exactly what you are getting. Well worth the service. I have purchased at least a dozen rifles from each of these three outfits with no complaints to speak of.

Were I just starting out with a Milsurp collection, I'd start with the K98k. You gotta have a German Mauser before the supply dries up. Then, get every one of the Mosin Nagants, particularly a Finn M39 when you can afford one.

Work on getting a CMP Garand......... and Carbine and Springfield if they still have them. Somewhere in here you need an Enfield, well, two actullay because you want WWI and WWII ones.

Then you need a Mannlicher, and a Carcano and a Jap Arisaka. Oh, and of course the Swede....possibly the finest Mauser ever made....

Oh, and the Swiss K31 in 7.5 Swiss. Easily the finest shooting military rifle of all time.....What is a good website to buy military surplus firearms from?

I own a few different surplus type rifles. My favorite is my lee-enfield rifle.What is a good website to buy military surplus firearms from?

check out shotgun news as well

I find to be the best

Of course, you will need to get an FFL to order and receive the gun for you.

Mosin Nagants are a great place to start, otherwise I would recommend the Swiss K-31, they are absolutely awesomely accurate shooters, and there are very few $200, well, people always talk about when SKSs were $50, now they are 250. in 5-10 years people will talk about $200 K31s, and they will be going for $800What is a good website to buy military surplus firearms from?,; Check these out.*

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